Well, hello Ladies!
Love is something that is needed in ones life no matter what, but the most important part where it is required the most is in a relationship of a man and his woman. Time in and time out it has been proved that to keep a relationship alive a woman needs to do a bit more than the man at all then times. To keep things on track and always alive you need more than just a bit more than a physical force. That's why nature has found some solutions and has given them forth to you - a herbal one. Every woman needs to know these 5 herbs to help herself in keeping up a wonderful relationship with lot of love, understanding and strength.
The herbs do more than the prior, they help you if you are in search of love, they also help you in keeping the relationship that you have found and the herbs will definitely guide you the right way if you have a straying lover in your relationship. One can use these herbs in the food, incense and many more things so as to ingest them in your body. Follow the below guide for the 5 Herbs which you should be having in your home.
1. Balm of Gilead: It is very commonly known as the 'Great Soother'. The herb helps in easing a heart break after a break- up or a relationship denial and also it removes the negativity out of an heated argument. One must keep the Balm of Gilead at the posts of the bed which helps in maintaining a balance in the couple's room. As Balm of Gilead is accompanied by the planet Venus, the love and reconciliation resides in the place where such a herb is used. Add a pinch of it in a glass of your wine and be prepared for a beautiful evening with your partner/spouse.
2. Rosemary: It is quite a common herb used in many homes especially in the kitchen. It helps in increasing the female power in a relationship and even around the house. Rosemary since the ancient times has been believed to be a protection for women. It is believed and practiced that carrying Rosemary herb with you keeps you safe from the sexual predators/ harassment. Also when you are in a need for a strong relationship keep it under your mattress.
3. Damiana: It is quiet useful for men and women especially the ones who are married. With Damiana you can keep your libidos up and steaming. Damiana is aligned with Mars which represents power and when it is taken with food it will give you the strength to keep him/her closer. The herb will make the woman in the relationship pretty strong.
4. Catnip: Catnip is an age old herb that is used by women to look desirable. It has been noticed that women take Catnip in their foods, during their baths and every other way possible. Women use Catnip in powdered form and add it in their makeups to create an unmistakable beauty on their faces and a beautiful face can never get unnoticed.
5. Vanilla: Out of all the herbs used, Vanilla has the strongest and the sweetest fragrance of all. Vanilla creates a triggering effect on your man towards the relationship. When mixed with sugar, vanilla brings in the best feelings not just between the couples but also around the entire house. Vanilla does a marvelous job towards expressing and increasing love for a man.
Ladies! If you haven't got your hands on these herbs yet, then you really need to do that now. If you have even a slight issue in your relationship that might take you away from your spouse/partner then you must take the advice from the history of the herb usage and make your love get back to you all over again.
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